Mining Companies can Share Value with Instagram Stories

Instagram's social media platform has reached a pinnacle of engagement over past couple years due to its simple user experience and powerful means of striking attention through images and brief written descriptions. Recently, Instagram took from the SnapChat playbook and integrated Instagram stories into its platform.

These stories appear on a user's profile feed at the top of their screen. Each story remains on the profile for 24 hours before it is removed from the account, making room for the most recent stories shared within each individual's network.

Learn more about how to create Instagram Stories here!

Instagram stories are powerful tools for mining organizations to utilize and the data backs this up. Of Instagram's 600 million users, almost half of them are daily active users of Instagram stories. Within Instagram lies an incredible opportunity to visibly share the details of your mining operation to a very large (and growing) global audience.

There are just a handful of mining-centric organizations briefly using Instagram stories within their feed, such as Mining People International. Unfortunately, we are not able to find mine operators openly using the platform to share information from their mine.

Without mining companies currently posting Instagram stories, we unfortunately do not have examples for other miners to reference. Instead, we're sharing a few other international, large-capital companies you will most definitely want to follow if you have not already. Patiently watch their content on Instagram stories and become inspired into the content your mining company could share.


The aircraft manufacturer provides some incredible and captivating content throughout their Instagram account, but their stories really soar above the rest. We love seeing the public events they put on and other technology advances they share. 

Admittedly, sharing videos and images of airplanes soaring in the sky is typically a cool thing for people to witness. After all, we are human and we love to fly. Most importantly, Boeing welcomes their followers to experience these events and their products without actually being on board or on location. Mining companies will see the context of these stories as great references when launching into Instagram.

Boeing Instagram.png


Maersk Group

The Maersk company supplies multiple Instagram accounts to following, including Maersk Drilling, Maersk Line (shipping), and its parent account, Maersk Group. To simplify, we're going to chat about the Maersk Group account, but we highly recommend following all of them because they share some of the most captivating content we've seen.

What strikes us as important about the Maersk Group stories is that much of the content shared on Instagram stories is not all about the business itself, but on the communities, sustainability and economic develop intertwined into the business model. This is all familiar for mining companies when developing and operating in remote and rural areas.

Maersk might provide the most relevant content for mining companies to follow and begin producing content from. 


General Electric

Science, engineering and new technology drives engagement. We love to learn new things about how products are produced. Sharing an image with that information also boosts that information. General Electric realizes that they can enhance their brand reputation by providing incredible imagery about their research and systems.

The reason we are sharing General Electric Instagram as a tool for mining companies to follow is because of the science, engineering and technology work each exploration and mining organization must utilize to begin and follow through operations. Mineral processors can also take notes from G.E. on how to effectively share their stories of what they do and how it is done. Lets share images and posts that people value because they will begin to understand how these metals are produced.