Mining's Investor Relations Missing the Mark on Social Media

It is not new to communicators and outreach professionals within the industry that Social Media allows a company to pull back the curtains a bit on the brand of an operation or company. Unfortunately, financial statements and information are typically held at bay through legal review and dry content. There is no doubt that this type of information is incredibly important. But let's take a look at where demand is for social media content in this arena.

A recent survey by the National Investor Relations Institute shows 72% of those polled admitted to not use social media for their work. The small number of professionals polled whom stated they did use social media, continued to admit they did not analyze the data behind the communications. Furthermore, many IR pros state that investors typically are not interested in receiving opportunities and information through social media.

Let me tell you, right now, the data proves otherwise.

Earlier this year, Greenwich Associates released their study Social Media Influencing Investment Decisions at Global Institutions which shows the following:

  • 48% of the investors said information from social media prompted them to do additional research on an industry issue or topic
  • 37% said they shared information from social media with decision-makers at their companies
  • 34% said information learned on social media influenced a decision to work with a particular client or company
  • 33% said information obtained on social media triggered a discussion with their investment consultant

There is no doubt that Social Media and online content is a key asset when it comes to communicating with current and potential investors for a mining project. The question now lies in how you do it. 

Remember, having an updated website with relevant content is already a must-have. Those mining and exploration companies taking the extra steps to produce original content of their operation and sharing that insight on social media will draw potential investors to that site over and over again.

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