The Millennial Brain Trust of the Junior Resource Market

One of the greatest moments I had at this year's PDAC conference was the short time I spent with three well respected investors in the junior resource market. In this podcast, I sit down with Nick "The Mining Book Guy," Sean Kingsley and Fabi from "The Next Big Rush."

For thirty minutes, I asked them questions about how mining companies can reach a younger investment audience and what those investors might look at to make better investment decisions. Each person has a unique approach and perspective into investing, but they do have one similarity.... they are all young themselves!

We were able to talk junior resources competing with cryptocurrencies and marijuana for investment dollars, keeping young investors engaged, why resource companies should always have content ready, and what young investors should look for a junior miner.

In the end, each person shares why this industry is exciting and why they are in this area.

This is a must listen for any young investor or junior resource company battling for precious investment dollars. I hope you enjoy the conversation!