Social Media is Necessary for your Crisis Communication Strategy

"You cannot build trust during a crisis."

These words really summarize the theme from our webinar early this week. "Communicating through a Mining Crisis: Tips on How to Use Social Media" was a well received and valuable presentation we offered to our partners and friends within the mining community. If you were unable to attend, we've shared a recording of the webinar which you. It can be found below.

In brief, here are a few takeaways from the presentation:

1. It's too late to use social media for the first time when a crisis happens. Mining needs to establish those relationships well before an incident.

2. People tend to search social media accounts for updates on a crisis before they refer to a company's website. This is a great opportunity to be the first source of information during this time.

3. Plan your crisis communication strategy and test it during a mock drill with your operation. You will be happy you did.

Special thanks to Dan Blondeau for sharing his experience and expertise in this arena. And more thanks to all those who attended our presentation. Your support means the world to us.

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Webinar Recording

Communicating through a Mining Crisis: Tips on How to Use Social Media